/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_ctd --lon_start eq -32.7688-- Level 1

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# CTD profiles from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 08 Feb 2013
# Notes: 
#  BCO-DMO added cast, date from
#  the CTDlat_start, lon_starters.
#  SUhe CTeadvolts on 0-output is  0-5V sc 0-5V sc 0-5V scale. SUNA range was sets changed to 0- casts 1-17 and was changed to 0-40uM for casts 18-98.
cast  date      time_start  lat_start  lon_start  ISO_DateTime_UTC          
48    20120630  1055        60.1573    -32.7688   2012-06-30T10:55:00Z      
press     depth     temp      temp2     cond       cond2       sal       sal2       O2_v     O2         trans     beam_c      fluor    turbidity  par         spar        nitrate_SUNA  sigma_0   sigma_0_2  potemp    potemp2   sal_diff    temp_diff   cond_diff   O2sat       sound_vel  geopot_anom  
2.000     1.981     11.6598   11.6540   3.962452   3.961687    34.9527   34.9496    2.4904   6.53386    85.7188   0.6164      1.4045   0.5269705  7.2635e+01  1.1852e+03  -0.0000       26.6167   26.6162    11.6595   11.6537   -0.0030     -0.0057     -0.000765   6.09667     1496.27    -0.167       
3.000     2.972     11.6832   11.6825   3.964963   3.964841    34.9545   34.9543    2.4890   6.53420    85.8334   0.6110      1.2794   0.5203117  6.1133e+01  1.1966e+03  0.0000        26.6140   26.6138    11.6829   11.6821   -0.0002     -0.0008     -0.000122   6.09358     1496.38    0.279        
4.000     3.962     11.6625   11.6610   3.962972   3.962758    34.9545   34.9540    2.4910   6.53883    85.7981   0.6127      1.7585   0.5312106  4.7453e+01  1.1831e+03  0.0000        26.6176   26.6173    11.6620   11.6605   -0.0005     -0.0015     -0.000215   6.09626     1496.32    0.318        
5.000     4.953     11.6474   11.6445   3.961512   3.961118    34.9539   34.9526    2.4943   6.55471    85.7982   0.6127      2.1204   0.5163412  3.7800e+01  1.1157e+03  -0.0000       26.6200   26.6196    11.6468   11.6439   -0.0013     -0.0029     -0.000394   6.09821     1496.28    0.356        
6.000     5.943     11.6580   11.6626   3.962651   3.963022    34.9544   34.9539    2.4929   6.55162    85.8141   0.6119      2.2589   0.5221344  3.1328e+01  1.1195e+03  0.0000        26.6186   26.6172    11.6572   11.6618   -0.0005     0.0046      0.000371    6.09683     1496.34    0.385        
7.000     6.934     11.5443   11.5239   3.951552   3.949161    34.9541   34.9526    2.4971   6.57174    85.8391   0.6108      2.5462   0.5312451  2.6712e+01  1.1069e+03  0.0000        26.6379   26.6384    11.5435   11.5230   -0.0015     -0.0204     -0.002391   6.11155     1495.96    0.416        
8.000     7.924     11.5782   11.5432   3.954760   3.951298    34.9510   34.9480    2.5029   6.60285    85.8625   0.6097      2.9199   0.5280731  2.2366e+01  1.0938e+03  0.0000        26.6310   26.6368    11.5772   11.5422   -0.0031     -0.0351     -0.003462   6.10721     1496.09    0.450        
9.000     8.914     11.4480   11.5371   3.944038   3.950212    34.9714   34.9479    2.4972   6.62210    85.7798   0.6135      2.5768   0.5376954  1.9519e+01  1.1030e+03  0.0000        26.6684   26.6337    11.4468   11.5359   -0.0236     0.0891      0.006174    6.12335     1495.67    0.466